Monday, October 26, 2009

Sprint, The Palm Pre, and Tethering

First, let me speak frankly: I Am A Palm Pre User and Sprint PCS Customer! I'm on a plan that includes everything for about a hundred bucks a month, enjoy using my Pre, and am loathe to switch to any other carrier at this time because of the quality of the service I currently have.

That said, I think it's imperative to understand that there is a basic functionality that the Pre is lacking, which, in The Humble Fishe's opinion, needs to be remedied.

That is the ability to 'tether' the Pre to a computer, either via a USB cable or a Bluetooth wireless connection. The Pre has the technical ability to do these things, as it--like all data devices--has an internal modem that connects it to the network for using all the wonderful features--like the Pre's great web browser--that are so data-intensive.

Still, Sprint hasn't developed something like a simple add-on plan to provide for tethering on the Pre. This doesn't make sense from a marketing perspective or a technical perspective. Sprint has a device one can buy and use on a special plan that allows for five computers to connect to it via a localized, short-area-coverage, wi-fi connection.

Five computers! So if Sprint is worried about all those Pre users out there who might use tethering on their devices (Hypothetical) clogging up the data network, then why offer a device that can do it for five?

The Humble Fishe's Gentle Suggestion for Sprint: All of your customers who use the Pre understand about marketing, for most of us are very savvy at understanding cellular networks and handhelds, and the limitations of both.

What we don't always comprehend, is why such a basic feature like tethering--either via USB or Bluetooth--is unavailable on such an advanced device like the Pre?

Answering this question would help a lot of us--both technical users and laymen alike--comprehend where Sprint--our chosen carrier--is going with their thoughts. It also would help if you'd ask us--on the forums, especially--what we'd like to see and what features we'd like to use.

The way The Humble Fishe sees it, based on what I've read on the forums, as well as my own personal thoughts on the matter is this: Tethering Is Needed On The Pre.

That's all I'll say on this matter, out of politeness and respect. I've shared my Humble Thoughts on the matter. Sprint...The Rest Is Up To You.

Thanks for reading...THF

Friday, October 16, 2009

Where The Spirit Dwells

It's been a while since I could say in a heartfelt manner that I was calm enough to sit down and write something down without trepidation or fear of reproach--reproach from myself, not anybody else.

I've been working on developing my spiritual side, and it seems to have paid off recently. My spiritual life is quite eclectic, as I draw from many new and old spiritual pathworkings. Neopaganism plays a major role these days, as do many other Earth-Based spiritual paths. I draw a small amount from Christianity through my Episcopalian upbringing, obtaining from that experience my sense of community and service-to-others.

Together, all these things are coalescing into helping me become more Aware (relating to Consciousness) of myself, my world, and others within those worlds, both physical and spiritual.

My wife and I happened to have the pleasure of visiting a wonderful new-agey, witchy-type store in Kansas City, Missouri that goes by the telltale name of Aquarius--an apt moniker for a wonderful shop that caters to not only the New Age and modern neopagan set, but also for those with a love of fine, handcrafted jewelry.

Some of the items we found on this visit (we visited once before a few weeks earlier) were a simply delightful, handmade cape made from black, shiny acetate-silk, adorned with little owls with painstakingly-applied faux-jewel eyes on purple material of the same type. This same cape comes with drawstrings that allow a hood to be made, and I have to say, it's striking on my wife, who was pleased as punch that the cape was still there. Needless to say, we picked it up at once!

We did a lot--and spent a lot ;-)--on this trip. The highlight of the visit was getting our auras photographed and having Barbera, Aquarius' resident expert Intuitive, interpret both our photographs. The results were meaningful and helpful beyond words. Also delightful was a tarot reader

Aquarius is really two stores in one, the other store the jewelry side called Vulcan's Forge, which has many interesting, one-of-a-kind jewelry products.

Many other items too numerous to mention exist within the walls of this interesting emporium. Web sites are below:

Give yourself a treat if in the Kansas City, Missouri area and give Aquarius/Vulcan's Forge a visit.

More later. . . THF

HumFisheKu For October 2009

Storms have abated,

Processes make themselves clear,

Soullular phone calls.