Thursday, December 08, 2005

Humble Fishe's Gentle Suggestion for December

December is here. Cold is here. Snow has fallen! Welcome To The Winter Season :-)!

This the season of drawing close to one's family, friends, and neighbors, for putting aside any petty (or even non-petty ;-) ) differences and tending to the soul-needs of our fellow humans.

Many people will be caught up in the material aspect that attends this season in modern culture, namely that of buying gifts and such. This is Fine.

Many people of the Christian Faith will celebrate this time of year as the Sacred Birth of The Savior, Christ Jesus. This is Fine.

People of the Jewish Faith will be celebrating The Festival of Lights, also known as Hanukkah. This is Fine.

Wiccans and other Neo-Pagans will celebrate the Time of the Winter Solstice, the time of the season when the God of Summer 'dies' and the Spirit--or Father--of Winter, is born, to take command of the winter elements, including the element of the Winter-Soul. This is Fine.

Still others will yearn for something simpler than they are currently experiencing in their lives, either in work, play, or general relationships. This is also Fine.

Those who are drawn to the Autumn-Time-of-the-Soul will be pulled to draw upon the limitless supply of Love that the Universe has to offer at this time for such individuals. The Humble Fishe is drawn to such matters, as it so happens. This is Fine and Dandy with The Humble Fishe <*(((((>< :-). Some in the northern climes will have their Senses broadened, and their Heart of Hearts opened wide to receive what the Chill of the Winter Wind (best received properly dressed ;-) hee) has to offer in the way and manner of Winter Winds. I have received many inspiring thoughts from Just This Source ( ;-) wink wink to my Family and Friends up in Michigan...this is for you!) Still others will draw from the Bountiful Wealth of Love from the seasonal features in their given areas, whether cold or warm. The Humble Fishe's Suggestion for December:

Live and Let Live. Know what is on your side of the fence in minute detail; don't look over the side of the other person's fence, only to pine away at what you don't have.

If you want changes, then implement them, but please remember to ask your Soul and Heart-of-Hearts to be certain it is beneficial, and not cluttering to your Soul-Work.

Be Aware. Be Generous. Be Helpful. Above all though, Be In Love...With the World Around You, your Neighbor Next Door, and your Inner Self. This last one is, perhaps, the most important, for Within, One Finds The Universe, and Eternal Love.

Blessings and Light
The Humble Fishe

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