Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Propositional Amendment to the United States Constitution

An amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America

The states shall not enact any law that prohibits the legal possession of a firearm or other weapon for personal self-defense.”

This amendment applies primarily to, but is not limited to:
  1. A handgun, rifle, or shotgun.
  2. A non-lethal, less-than-lethal, or other such device, also known as a 'stun gun,' 'tazer gun,' or other such device.
  3. Knives, dirks, daggers, swords, or other blades.
  4. CN 'Tear Gas' launchers, Mace, Oleoresin Capsicum or other 'pepper' sprays or aerosols.
  5. Flare guns.
  6. Batons, clubs, bats, or other impact weapons.

  7. Any object, either of the natural environment or of man-made or other artifice that could be effectively used in self-defense.


  1. No state, county, township, or municipality, or unincorporated area, or any other entity may prohibit it's citizens from carrying a concealed or openly carried handgun, rifle, or shotgun for personal protection.
  2. Personal protection means the protection of one's own person, family, friends, or government, either persons or property.
  3. A citizen may carry a handgun, rifle, or shotgun outside of one's personal home or domicile for personal protection.
  4. A citizen in good standing and of legal age may carry a handgun concealed upon one's person or in plain view for personal protection in any area generally accepted to be public property.
  5. A private owner of a business may not prohibit his customers from carrying concealed weapons within the business or on the grounds.
    1. The above will not apply if the business is a manufacturer or seller of fireworks, explosives, or other incendiary items. This does not apply to stores that sell small bundles of fireworks for personal use in states that allow them.
      1. A person may have a firearm in one's vehicle, loaded or unloaded, so long as the vehicle is parked far enough away from buildings so as not to be a hazard. (Author's Note: Consider distances.)
    2. The above will not apply if the business is governed under certain provisions of the National Security Act.
  6. Any elected public official may carry a concealed handgun upon one's person within a governmental chamber for personal protection from outside attack while the government is in session.
  7. No post-secondary university, college, or school of trade, either public or private, may prohibit any student of legal age from carrying a handgun, either concealed or openly carried, persuant to the rules of this amendment.
    1. No public or private university, college, or trade school official, whether teacher, administrator, or other staff, may affect a student's academic record, through the use of intimidation, either express or implied, socially or professionally, in any fashion with respect to this amendment.
    2. Any act of aggression toward a student carrying a concealed handgun for personal protection, on the part of any hired or retained school police or security force, except in the case of a criminal act (the mere carrying of a handgun on school grounds shall not be deemed illegal), such as a robbery, act of rape, or other assault, etc., shall be deemed an offense under this amendment, and the school shall be held liable for such damage or losses as may be incurred by an incident or incidents.
    3. In addition to the above, if a student is being aggressed by any police or security official in a manner that is a danger to the student's life and limb, and the security or police official will not respond to attempts-at-communication by the student, the student may use deadly force, either express or implied, to halt the aggression as a last resort.
  8. No person desiring to attain or hold public office may make compaign promises, introduce any bills, or support any statute that would violate the terms of this amendment.